Our customized services will meet your needs and protect your investment, all while minimizing your environmental footprint and generating clean, renewable energy


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Construction Management

Operations & Maintenance


Through engineering, construction management, operations and maintenance, and compliance, we execute completion of projects in true partnerships. Northcoast specializes in providing practical designs and comprehensive services to facilitate the development of efficient facilities. With expertise in engineering, construction management, environmental compliance, land use planning and development, and permitting, we are committed to delivering excellence at every stage of your project.

We are dedicated to continuous improvement, ensuring that quality is ingrained into every aspect of our work to meet the high standards our clients expect.

We are a results-oriented engineering and construction management team and take a turnkey approach to our projects from conception to completion. Customer satisfaction is our driving force.


Our Projects


Northcoast works hard to provide practical designs and comprehensive services to facilitate the development of efficient agricultural and renewable energy facilities. Our thorough planning process is tailored to your specific needs, taking into account project requirements, site restraints, technological advancements, future expansions, and regulatory obligations. 

Agricultural & Civil Engineering

  • Agriculture Site Layout
  • CAFO Engineering and Expansion
  • Soils Investigation
  • Topographic Surveys
  • Leachate Collection
  • Feed Storage Area
  • Underbarn Waste Storage
  • Manure Storage Basins
  • Waste Transfer Systems
  • Precast Reception Tanks
  • Runoff Control Systems
  • Nutrient Concentration Systems (NCS)
  • Construction Observation and Documentation
  • As-Built Plan Submittal Packages

Renewable Energy

  • Digester Engineering Plans
  • Digester Site Layout
  • Digester Excavation Plan
  • Digester Foundation Design
  • Digester Geotech Report Assistance
  • Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Site Engineering
  • Feasibility Analysis
  • Biogas Upgrading Facility (BUP)
  • BUP Site Layout
  • BUP Permitting
  • Carbon Intensity (CI) Score Modeling
  • Digester Efficiency Consulting
  • Energy Efficiency Consulting
  • Digester Boiler Use
  • CI Score Improvements

Environmental Engineering & Compliance

  • DNR Air Permitting
  • Emissions Calculations
  • Air Dispersion Modelling
  • Annual Air Emissions Inventory
  • Nutrient Concentration Systems
  • Site Layout & Permitting
  • Water Quality Trading (WQT) Plans & Credits
  • Antidegradation Analysis
  • Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) Compliance
  • Renewable Identification Number (RIN) Compliance
  • Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) Report
  • Biochar Facility
  • Site Engineering Plans
  • Site Permitting


  • WPDES Permit Application & Modification (NR 243)
  • Livestock Siting Permit (ATCP 51)
  • Erosion Control Permit (DNR & County)
  • Stormwater Permit (DNR & County)
  • Conditional Use Permits (CUP)
  • Land Use Permitting
  • Shoreland Zoning Permit
  • Wetland Permitting Assistance

Construction Management

As a construction management company, it is our professional duty to our partners to ensure we have all pieces of the project in order through effective management and in due diligence when selecting contractors that we hire to work with us.  Our Project Managers, RNG Technicians and Civil Design Engineer are hands on every step of the way, working side by side with our partners and contracted teams.  We take pride in our team – our work family – and believe the relationships we form along the way will extend far beyond the scope of the project.  

Operations & Maintenance

We will provide O&M services for your RNG facility and Supporting Systems.  Here are the critical aspects of Operations and Maintenance Services in the Renewable Natural Gas Industry, where our company excels:

      • Operational Management: Supervising day-to-day operations to ensure efficient production, distribution, and utilization of resources.
      • Facility Maintenance: Conduct routine and preventive maintenance on equipment and predictive maintenance on each system, infrastructure, and facility to prevent breakdowns and extend their operational lifespan.
      • Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Compliance: Ensuring strict adherence to health, safety, and environmental regulations to protect personnel, assets, and the environment.
      • Emergency Response: Developing and implementing plans to mitigate potential risks and swiftly respond to accidents or incidents.
      • Energy Optimization: Implementing strategies to minimize energy consumption and reduce operational costs while adhering to environmental sustainability goals.
      • Sustainability: Supporting the industry’s sustainability goals by optimizing processes, reducing environmental impact, and efficiently managing resources.


Compliance plays an extremely important role in renewable natural gas production. We approach compliance as a priority, not an afterthought. Keeping your facility in compliance is a critical factor in output monetezation and CI score rating. Our team is highly experienced in compliance for LCFS and RIN markets, as well as local regulatory complaince. Northcoast is ready to assist with all your compliance needs.